Tuesday 27 August 2024

Upcoming Activities

With the summer drawing to a close, here’s a roundup of everything that will be keeping me busy from September onwards…

The first is that I will be working with Fiction Express at last. This commissioned writing partners me with school students (mostly in Spain and Latin America) to write a story in five chapters. The students vote at the end of each chapter to determine where the story goes next. It’s a fun way to help them develop their English reading skills, and I’m excited to begin.

Another thing that I’m going to be doing (on a voluntary basis) is working with Grimm & Co. This is a charity that helps young people develop their creative writing skills. My agent recommended that delivering some writing classes could be another good thing for my overall portfolio, and it’ll be good to be around my target audience again. One of the things I miss from my teaching career is interacting with the kids.

The biggest project I have on the go (which will hopefully make some progress concurrent with Fiction Express) is the latest novel draft. I’ve reached 25K, so it feels like it’s taking shape. My rough estimates for completion put it somewhere in the 50-75K range, although I can’t say with any certainty while I’m still relatively early in the process. It’s still a first draft, and I expect I’ll need to make big changes (as always) once it’s finished. My hope is to have a full draft by the end of October – that’s when I’ve arranged to send what I have to my agent for feedback.

In other news, the story that was published in print is now freely available online here. It’s in a collection with lots of other short stories about how scientists are working to reverse the ongoing climate crisis, so it’s well-worth a read.

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